What is CoffeeNate.com?
CoffeeNate.com is Nate Smith’s baby. His love of coffee and subsequent journey to seek a better cup of coffee is documented here. CoffeeNate.com is a resource for coffee drinkers to learn how to love coffee, by providing easy to follow video tutorials, commentary, and product reviews. Great coffee doesn’t require expensive equipment, it requires an understanding of the product and the roasting and brewing processes. Nate launched CoffeeNate.com in 2009 as a typical coffee drinker, and has evolved into a coffee aficionado.
What you will find at CoffeeNate.com
- Helpful reviews of coffee related items and various coffees
- Video and visual tutorials of various brewing methods
- Educational videos and articles, which teach you about coffee; how it is produced, processed, and packaged.
- Valuable tips about brewing coffee, saving money, and buying guides
- FREE coffee product giveaways
Nate is always happy to hear from visitors of his site, and will gladly answer any questions. You can contact Nate here, or connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.