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Have a coffee question? Have it answered on the show, and win FREE coffee! ASK COFFEENATE
Two posts in three days, yay! Life is full, with three busy boys, a full time job, and numerous other commitments, it is difficult to churn out episodes at a quick pace. Even just to get some quiet time to shoot a video is a challenge 🙂 I’m always thinking of new stuff to do, and I’m always looking for new topics. It was suggested by a viewer that I should address some coffee basics. It is so true that many coffee drinkers are misinformed on the basics, like coffee storage and today’s topic “How much coffee should I use?”. I have seen people trying to make a pot of coffee from barely enough coffee to make a cup of coffee, let alone an entire 12 cup pot! Yucky!!
The proper amount of coffee per 6oz cup is 2 Tablespoons. Of course, your coffee can be adjusted based on your personal preferences, but that is the base from which to start. If you regularly brew a certain amount of coffee, 8, 10, 12 cups what have you, then measure out the appropriate amount of coffee for that number of cups. Measure that amount so that you don’t have to scoop multiple spoonfuls every time you want a pot of coffee. If you use whole beans, which you SHOULD, then you can measure the same amount in whole beans and dump them right in the grinder just before you are ready to brew. This will save you time and money by eliminating the waste from grinding too much coffee. Remember, coffee stales within 20 minutes after grinding.

Purchase Breakfast Buzz
This week I also received some coffee from the Kinetic Koffee roasters. They specialize in artisan roasting of organic coffees. This time I am tasting their “Breakfast Buzz”, a medium roasted blend of South American and Central American coffees. This coffee is a great way to start the day, very smooth, and it has a pleasing citrusy tang that compliments the morning perfectly. I love the fact that Kinetic Koffeemarks the roasted on date on their bags. What are %90 of coffee companies afraid of? Oh yeah, us knowing how old their coffee is! Kinetic Koffee roasts in small batches so you are assured freshly roasted coffee every time. You can follow them on Twitter at http://twitter.com/KineticKoffee They also state they engage in Fair Trade practices. In addition, they also donate %10 of their sales to various charities.
Next week, I’ll be at Starbucks drinking that vile beverage they call VIA…. 😛 The things I do for you guys! lol Don’t forget, enter the coffee giveaway. I will be drawing a winner of the free Port City Coffee Roasters coffee on Tuesday, November 3rd. See you next week 🙂
- How To Make Coffee With The AeroPress :: Inverted AeroPress Video Tutorial - February 2, 2022
- How To Clean a Chemex : #CoffeeTip - January 14, 2022
- Origin Trip to Colombia! #MindTheBean - June 3, 2021