How To Use a Moka Pot :: Video Tutorial


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More than %90 of all households in Italy, the country that brought us espresso, own a moka pot! Invented in 1933 by Alfonso Bialetti, the moka pot became a favorite brewing method in Europe. This video and following text will teach you how easy it is to create a rich cup of coffee brewed in your own Moka Pot. I ordered a Bialetti moka pot, it was very reasonable in price (<$30), and I was impressed with the

[Read more…] Episode #6 : What is Coffee?

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Welcome back to, I am truly happy to have such great members of this site! Thank you all for the great emails and questions that I have received during the week, you guys are the best 🙂  There is an exciting enhancement to this week, you can now leave your comments via VIDEO!  Look below in the comment section and simply click ‘Leave video comment’  You will then be given the option to sign into your seesmic account, or simply choose to leave an anonymous comment.  It’s really simple to do.  Just like voicemail, you will have the option to scrap your video for a do-over if you mess up.

This week I wanted to touch a little bit on where coffee comes from, not geographically, but physically. What is that little brown bean derived from anyway? Hmmmm. Well, coffee is actually a [Read more…]

CoffeeNate Episode #1 : The French Press

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Wow, after weeks of waiting with baited breath you are about to embark on the online coffee revolution!  My set has been turned into a construction zone which severely hampered efforts to get this site off the ground, but NO MORE EXCUSES!  I’ve put the distractions aside and have produced the first CoffeeNate video.  This week I am covering a simple brewing method that produces a superior tasting cup of coffee.  You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on a brewer to make a great tasting, high quality cup of coffee!  The French Press is a very underrated way of making coffee.  Follow the simple instructional video guide and you’ll be making your own tasty joe in minutes.  One of the most important things you will need is [Read more…]