Why #Coffee Drinkers Use Flavored Cream & Other Additives

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Have a coffee question…ASK COFFEENATE!

Here are my thoughts about why a particular segment of coffee drinkers prefer to douse their coffee with additives like flavored cream, coffee flavorings, and excessive amounts of cream/sugar.  I would love to have you leave a comment below!  Thank you so much for visiting 😀

Coffee’s Amazing Health Benefits

Have a coffee question?  ASK COFFEENATE

How many times did you hear about coffee being ‘bad for you’?  For decades we have been bombarded by that very message.  Luckily for coffee lovers everywhere, the past few years, and as recent as last week, have unveiled the truth…COFFEE IS GOOD FOR YOU!  From what I’ve studied, the benefits of drinking coffee far outweigh any potential negatives.  This video talks about some of the highlights of recent studies.  Did you know that
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How To Clean a Coffee Grinder…Easily! :: Coffee Tips

how to clean a coffee grinder

Have a coffee question? Have it answered on the show, and win FREE coffee!

Whether you own an el cheapo blade grinder, or a top of the line espresso grinder, one thing is true for both: you have to keep it clean!  A dirty grinder will negatively affect the flavor in the cup, but how much effort is needed to keep your grinder clean? Not much if
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How To Use a Moka Pot :: Video Tutorial


Have a coffee question? Have it answered on the show, and win FREE coffee!

More than %90 of all households in Italy, the country that brought us espresso, own a moka pot! Invented in 1933 by Alfonso Bialetti, the moka pot became a favorite brewing method in Europe. This video and following text will teach you how easy it is to create a rich cup of coffee brewed in your own Moka Pot. I ordered a Bialetti moka pot, it was very reasonable in price (<$30), and I was impressed with the

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Coffee Blends vs Single Origin :: Social Coffee Company Review

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Have a coffee question? Have it answered on the show, and win FREE coffee!

Today I’m going to talk to you about specialty coffee,  and specifically about blends and single origin coffees.  The majority of casual coffee drinkers are not likely to know [Read more…]