Disclosure: I may receive compensation when readers purchase products after clicking links on this site. This does not affect my opinion or the price you pay, but does help support my work. Reviewed products may have been provided at no cost.
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Brewing coffee in a French Press is an excellent way to create a full flavored cup. The press allows all of the flavorful oils to present themselves, and not trapping them in a paper filter. There are lots of pros to making coffee in a press pot, but one drawback. The
often messy cleanup. Typically, after you brew and serve your french press coffee, you are left with a cake of spent grounds in the bottom of the tumbler that you have to scrape out with a rubber spatula or long handled wooden spoon. Even worse, many people rinse the coffee grinds down the drain, just asking for a plugged sink and an expensive plumbing bill.

This is not a Tambaroo!
There is a tool on the market that has solved the french press mess dilemma, The Tambaroo. No, these aren’t underwear featuring your favorite super heros, it’s an accessory that fits the majority of French Presses on the market that are between the capacity of 16-32 ounces. It’s very simple to use, and it makes it easy to measure the proper amount, as well as help with the dishes.
The Tambaroo is made from silicone, %100 food safe, will not leach any dangerous toxins into your beverage, and is not affected by extreme temperatures. For more specifics about the materials and which pots are known to be compatible, check out this page. There are several magnets surrounding the rim of the Tambaroo. Simply insert the Tambaroo into your French Press, add the desired amount of coffee, brew as normal. When you press the plunger to the bottom of the pot, the coffee grounds are pushed back into the Tambaroo. The bottom plate of the plunger attaches to the magnets on the Tambaroo. When you have finished serving the coffee, simply pull up on the plunger handle and the Tambaroo removes the grounds. Now you just shake the grounds into your compost, directly into your garden, or into the garbage. Used coffee grounds make excellent fertilizer and offer rich nutrients to your lawn or garden soil! You can purchase the Tambaroo, named ‘Best Product of the Year’ (CoffeeFest 2010), for about $16.
The April free coffee product contest is sponsored by Tambaroo! They will be giving away 10 free Tambaroos to visitors of CoffeeNate.com! This is the best odds of winning ever offered at CoffeeNate.com 🙂 I will be drawing and announcing the winners on May 1st.
Here’s how you can get the maximum number of entries…
• Leave a contributing comment on ANY post at CoffeeNate.com! The comment must contribute to the discussed topic to qualify.
• Click the ‘TWEET’ button at the top or bottom of any post at CoffeeNate.com
• ReTweet any of my tweets that contain contest information, or a link to CoffeeNate.com
• Join the CoffeeNate.com page on facebook (auto entry into EVERY future contest)
• Refer a friend to CoffeeNate.com and have them send me a message saying “___ sent me.”
• Ask any coffee question
• Simply fill out the free coffee contest form with your name and email (auto entry into EVERY future contest)
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