Kuma Coffee Review & Coffee Cupping Tips
:: How To Cup Coffee ::
Have a coffee question…ASK COFFEENATE!
“Coffee cupping” it sounds like a weird thing. It would be much easier to know what the heck it is if they would’ve simply termed it ‘coffee tasting’. There are many things that impact a coffee’s flavor characteristics, not the least of which is the brewing process itself. So when ‘cupping’ or tasting coffees, we eliminate all of the things that impact the flavor outside of the bean itself. When we cup coffee, we simply add hot water to ground beans. We do this into a glass or a ceramic cup, because these two items will not impart any odor or flavor into the brew. We use the same amount of coffee in each cup, as well as the identical amount of water. Now, we can make this as informal or as technically precise as we want. In this instance, I was really informal. The point of this cupping was [Read more…]
Nate’s Top 5 Misused & Abused #Coffee Terms
Misused Coffee Terms
Have a coffee question…ASK COFFEENATE!
“Strong coffee“…”Bold coffee” These as well as other coffee related terms have been misused and abused over and over, making it very [Read more…]