These are Coffee Beans :: What REAL Coffee Is :: Poetic Rant

These are coffee beans

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Would you drink curdled milk?  Perhaps you would enjoy a tasty piece of chicken that has been hiding behind the milk jug for the past 2 weeks?  Didn’t think so.  Of course we wouldn’t subject ourselves to these obviously rotten, and potentially dangerous foods.  Then why to do we do it with coffee?!

 Coffee is a food!  The coffee bean, is the seed inside of a piece of fruit.  When this seed is roasted, the sugars inside of the seed transform into very flavorful oils.  When left inside of the whole bean, they are protected to a certain extent, but once the bean is ground these oils are exposed to the elements, and there is nothing that we can do to stop the aging process.  Even if the coffee was fresh when packaged (highly unlikely), once the package is opened the timer starts.  

You must be figuring that the hypothetical timer must be set for a couple of weeks or so.  Actually, that timer is set for about a half an hour!  Those oils are

dead within minutes, and rotten within hours.  That is the precise moment that the majority of coffee companies package the coffee…after it is already rotten.  No wonder why the masses load their beverage with vanilla this, and caramel that.  They are trying to disguise the grotesque flavor.  That is exactly what the Vikings used to do with their rotten meat.  They would plaster it with various seasonings to hide the foul smell and flavor.  

The good news is that we don’t have to live this way!  You can choose fresh roasted whole bean coffee, grind it just before brewing, and enjoy a delicious cup of coffee…real coffee.  You may still prefer to put some cream in it (not me!), but you will do this to enhance the flavor of the coffee, not to mask it.  

So what’s stopping you from trying fresh roasted coffee?

How can I help you make the switch?

Why do you drink your Folgers / Maxwell House / Nescafe junk?

I would really love it if you would answer in the comments below.  I want to help you to make the transition, save money, and save you from having stomach pain due to drinking rotten coffee.  The first step is to admit it.  Why not start now?

A couple of suggestions of where to buy coffee online are: –  These guys have a collection of coffees from the best roasters in North America, all in one spot!  They have frequent deals, and they make it easy to try new stuff with one easy checkout process.

Camano Island Coffee – This company has a few amazing coffees.  They could have more, but I’ve only had a few of them and I loved all of them.  Most notably was the Papua New Guinea.  A company built on sustainable practices.  Check out my full review of Camano Island Coffee Roasters.

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The Reuseable K Cup Filter :: How To Reuse K Cups

The Reuseable K Cup Filter :: How To Reuse K Cups

You may have read my post about the Pros and Cons of the K Cup, in which I explain that the ‘Cons’ of the Keurig brewer were; Control, Cost, Waste, and Quality of coffee.  We can eliminate all of these negatives with one product, the Ekobrew Reusable Kcup Filter.  Other reusable filters don’t have as big of a capacity as the Ekobrew.  Also, other filters only have one or two water injection points, the Ekobrew has a specially designed cone that fully saturates and extracts more evenly.

  • Quality of Coffee – Now you can use your own fresh roasted coffee!
  • Waste – You won’t be throwing away those used plastic K cups!  Reuse your K cup filter over and over again.
  • Cost – Save TONS of money by purchasing your coffee separately from your Kcups.  Buy coffee online, or from your favorite local roaster.
  • Control – Now you can control how strong your brew is.  The Ekobrew reusable filter is deeper than other reusable kcups, so you can make a strong cuppa joe!  We still don’t get to control the water temperature, or brew time, but you’re never going to get everything with the Keurig system.

This product isn’t going to make me suddenly love the Keurig coffee brewer, but it does offer an alternative for those who do.  I will still brew my coffee as I have always done, but now I know what I’m buying all of the Keurig lovers I know! 😀


From February 13th – 19th, visitors from will enjoy an exclusive savings of %20 off!  You must purchase through the links at, and also use the coupon code REUSEABLE20 in order to get the discounted price.  Even without the discount, this product will save you a bunch of money.  Not to mention, your coffee will taste much better!

buy reuseable k cup filter

More info from the manufacturer…

Product Details

Design & Functionality
The Ekobrew unit works on the same principles as the best espresso coffee machines. Optimum extraction of the best single serve drip coffee is a product of the perfect grind combined with the perfect amount of coffee to achieve the ideal coffee extraction.
1. Open Ekobrew lid
2. Fill with your favorite ground coffee and close the lid
3. Insert into Keurig holster and brew
With its low tamp dispersion cone the Ekobrew filter evenly soaks the coffee grounds for optimal extraction.

Stainless Steel
Polypropylene – BPA-free, polypropylene is commonly used for injection molding. It’s resistance to high heat generally makes it microwave and dishwasher safe, as well as a good option for food and beverage storage.

Projections for 2011 suggested that more than 5 billion K-Cups will be sold, used and then disposed of by consumers. These non-biodegradable K-Cups will, for the most part, end up in our landfills and never decompose.

About ekobrew
Eko Brands, LLC, a Seattle based company, began their mission to provide an ecologically responsible and less expensive solution when they introduced the Ekobrew in early 2011.

Single serve coffee is the fastest growing segment in the North American coffee market today. The Keurig single cup brewing system utilizes small disposable plastic and foil cups called “K-Cups” that hold ground coffee for brewing each cup.

Now there is an alternative that is greener, less expensive and provides far more choices – the Ekobrew Reusable Filter for Keurig single cup coffee maker.

Ekobrew brings you a new of single serve coffee – convenience with a conscience

Care Instructions
Dishwasher safe

Ekobrew is not compatible with the B30, B130, B150 and B155

Customer Review of Ekobrew Reusable K Cup Filter

Excellent item – and thank God it exists

Rating by Gordon K – 12/2011

This work quite well. Make sure you use coffee of an appropriate grind (electric drip grind works well) – if too fine, it will clog up and overflow, very messily. The common blade-type grinder a lot of people use at home does NOT do a good job for this purpose, as it’s very hard to get a consistent grind of the right size with those – you’re better off buying your coffee ground, unless you have a burr grinder at home.  Frankly, I wish there were no need for this product – the fact that those Keurig-type coffee makers exist at all is an outrage against the earth – along with all the other senseless waste that seems to keep getting worse and worse. But given that we need to cope with that situation until people wake up, thank God it’s at least *possible* to get a re-usable container for them.

buy reuseable k cup filter

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Single Serve Coffee Tips :: Kirk Jeffery Coffee Review


Single Serve Coffee Tips & Kirk Jeffery Coffee Review

:: Single Serve Coffee Craze ::

Have a coffee question…ASK COFFEENATE!

Single serve coffee makers are all the rage at the moment.  Masses of people are choosing these convenient brewers as their daily brewer, but is this a wise choice?  Check out the video

for my thoughts and tips on making single serve coffee that is far superior to these expensive gizmos.  Don’t waste your money by trading taste, value, and sustainability for the convenience of a plastic coated stale coffee product.  Click here for more of my thoughts on Kcups and other single serve brewers like the Keurig.

I received some coffees from Kirk Jeffery Coffee, a micro roaster who specializes in small batches of fine coffees.  I really liked one of these coffees, and it is very reasonable at $10/lb.  Check out the video for my thoughts.

Have a question, comment, or want to start a conversation about this video or other coffee topic?  Leave a comment below and I will reply c[_] Merry Christmas, and thank you for taking the time to check out this post!

We are giving away [Read more…]

What’s The Difference Between a Latte, Cappuccino, and an Au Lait [infographic]


the difference between a latte, cappuccino

Order The Espresso Field Guide Poster!

So today I posted this image on my facebook page in order to help you visualize what the difference is between different espresso and coffee based drinks.  Although there are some regional variances, this espresso field guide is very accurate. There are other more popular image guides, but none are more detailed, or more accurate than this one (note there is no caramel, whipped cream, or sugar in the Macchiato)!  I am surprised at the number of ‘baristas’ that do not understand the difference between even the most basic of coffee drinks! There are many great baristas out there that are exceptionally knowledgeable who create spectacular drinks for sure, but I am not privileged enough to live close to any of them. 🙁  Oh well, this has fueled my desire to learn how to brew the best coffee at home, and I have been quite successful. It also makes traveling even more of an adventure when I get to hunt for (and find) amazing coffee shops. Also note that you can order this image on shirts, posters, and other items at Get this poster!.  Cheers! c[_]

A Review of @KumaCoffee & #Coffee Cupping Tips


Kuma Coffee Review & Coffee Cupping Tips

:: How To Cup Coffee ::

Have a coffee question…ASK COFFEENATE!

“Coffee cupping” it sounds like a weird thing.  It would be much easier to know what the heck it is if they would’ve simply termed it ‘coffee tasting’.  There are many things that impact a coffee’s flavor characteristics, not the least of which is the brewing process itself.  So when ‘cupping’ or tasting coffees, we eliminate all of the things that impact the flavor outside of the bean itself.  When we cup coffee, we simply add hot water to ground beans.  We do this into a glass or a ceramic cup, because these two items will not impart any odor or flavor into the brew.  We use the same amount of coffee in each cup, as well as the identical amount of water.  Now, we can make this as informal or as technically precise as we want.  In this instance, I was really informal.  The point of this cupping was [Read more…]