Single Serve Coffee Tips :: Kirk Jeffery Coffee Review


Single Serve Coffee Tips & Kirk Jeffery Coffee Review

:: Single Serve Coffee Craze ::

Have a coffee question…ASK COFFEENATE!

Single serve coffee makers are all the rage at the moment.  Masses of people are choosing these convenient brewers as their daily brewer, but is this a wise choice?  Check out the video

for my thoughts and tips on making single serve coffee that is far superior to these expensive gizmos.  Don’t waste your money by trading taste, value, and sustainability for the convenience of a plastic coated stale coffee product.  Click here for more of my thoughts on Kcups and other single serve brewers like the Keurig.

I received some coffees from Kirk Jeffery Coffee, a micro roaster who specializes in small batches of fine coffees.  I really liked one of these coffees, and it is very reasonable at $10/lb.  Check out the video for my thoughts.

Have a question, comment, or want to start a conversation about this video or other coffee topic?  Leave a comment below and I will reply c[_] Merry Christmas, and thank you for taking the time to check out this post!

We are giving away [Read more…]

CoffeeNate #18: What is Kona Coffee?

Have a coffee question? Have it answered on the show, and win FREE coffee! ASK COFFEENATE

Ahhh, it’s good to be back!  Wow, it’s been over a month since I’ve published a video, and I was really feeling it.  This video is full of great info about Kona coffee, but admittedly so, it’s a bit dry.  I didn’t really notice until I was finished, but I seem a little on the mopey side…not at all the case, but video tends to require a little more pizazz.  Okay, enough ripping myself…

Kona coffee….what is it?….why is it so freaking expensive?…is Kona coffee worth the huge price tag?  Those are the questions I am [Read more…] Episode #8 : Home Roasting Series #2 |The Skillet Method

Have a coffee related question?  Have it answered on the show! ASK COFFEENATE :)

Nate Recommended
Green Coffee Source

Welcome back to!  This week features a simple method of roasting green coffee in the convenience of your kitchen.  All you need is some green coffee, a covered heavy gauge covered skillet, and a metal collander.  Last week I showed you how to roast using an airpopper, this method makes it easier to reach greater depth in the roasting process.  I found that roasting in the popper was difficult to progress beyond the first crack.  I believe that some machines reach higher temparatures, and perhaps roasting outdoors in a northern cliamate may have contributed to this.  Either way, I found the skillet method more consistent once you learn the smells, appearances, and sounds of roasting.  Roasting coffee in a skillet on your stove top is very easy, it [Read more…]

CoffeeNate Episode #4 : The Three Keys

Have your question answered on the show, click here to ASK COFFEENATE

The question that has been asked as much as ‘why are we here?’….”How do I make a perfect cup of coffee?”  There is no single answer to that age old question, but there are three main factors (KEYS) to brewing the perfect cuppa joe.

I expand on these in the video, but to skimp on one means that you are committing javacide!  Don’t kill your coffee, nurture it.  Follow my simple instructions and it will make your entire day better 🙂  [Read more…]

CoffeeNate Episode #3 : Why Fair Trade?

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Welcome back to!  I’m glad that you’ve stopped by to spend a few minutes watching my videos.  I’m having a great time doing this site, it’s been a blast already!  This week I am featuring one of my favorite coffee companies, Green Mountain Coffee. These guys offer a huge variety of Fair Trade and Organic coffees to choose from.  I have yet to try one that I don’t like, but I will keep searching to see if there is one. 

There are over 2 million small scale coffee farmers that depend on the trade to provide for their family’s well being.  All too often these farmers are literally forced to sell their fine products to middle men at a huge discount, either because they are under educated, or because they are not allowed to trade as an individual.   The concept of "Fair Trade" came about to [Read more…]